My introduction to SEO Training will provide you with all the knowledge to effectively manage your own on-line marketing.
This may be your first insight into the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). The overview will help you to define Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and the basic principles of what it is all about.
We will work with you to show you how to identify relevant and valuable keyword and understand the scale of chasing those keywords.
Your SEO campaign will only be effective if you have got the right website. We will help you to understand the important elements that need to go into the design of your website.
This is what it is all about. We will show you the key steps that you will need to take to make sure that Google is aware of your site and regularly comes back and visits the site.
We shall show help you to build you social presence, link outreach, brand visibility and publicity.
We shall give you the pointers on how to develop an SEO plan for your site. You may decide after completing this introduction course that you would also like to attend the more involved SEO strategy course.
If you think this sounds exactly what you are looking for why not get in touch with me today.
All training is carried out via ZOOM.
To find out more or to book your training please complete the form.
Web Design Northampton by New Edge
Ⓒ Copyright Pete Halsey