Please take a look at my latest marketing news, views and advice. I hope you like it!
Weathering the storm of a recession is a hot topic at the moment.
3 February 2023
During his post-fight interview in December, Anthony Joshua told us that, sometimes “simplicity is genius”.
9 January 2020
Hasn’t business become so… complicated?
Every week I’m presented with a new scenario that absolutely stuns me.
25 September 2018
Every business needs a website - we know that, but as web design has evolved and user expectation sky-rocketed, building a website that both meets the needs of today and is fit for the future is challenging.
21 August 2018
Happy people buy. They’re more likely to treat themselves. Companies are more likely to decide to invest in the stuff they’ve previously put off. Now is the time to market to them.
10 July 2018
Web Design Northampton by New Edge
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