Please take a look at my latest marketing news, views and advice. I hope you like it!
As with any sector, the marketing world is influenced by an ever-changing stream of trends.
13 September 2023
Put simply, on-site SEO is the process that makes the pages of your website as search engine friendly
4 November 2022
The importance of Digital Marketing living and working in the World today, in 2020.
21 May 2020
“Devastated” was the word used by World Wide Web creator, Tim Berners-Lee when he was asked his thoughts on its recent abuses.
12 December 2019
Like anything in business, if you don’t measure the results of your digital marketing strategy, how can you be sure it’s effective?
22 October 2018
Hasn’t business become so… complicated?
Every week I’m presented with a new scenario that absolutely stuns me.
25 September 2018
Every business needs a website - we know that, but as web design has evolved and user expectation sky-rocketed, building a website that both meets the needs of today and is fit for the future is challenging.
21 August 2018
I like to keep a keen eye on the latest trends and news in social media marketing, because I think it remains a fantastic route to market for businesses of all shapes and sizes.
5 July 2018
Web Design Northampton by New Edge
Ⓒ Copyright Pete Halsey