In today’s fast paced world, including the most cutting-edge tactics in your marketing plan is one thing many businesses choose to do. Sometimes however it’s not the latest, but the greatest, strategies that yield the best results. Take email marketing as a prime example.
Email marketing remains one of the most effective marketing strategies around. Over 347 billion emails are sent and received every day, with 64% of small businesses and 31% of marketers relying on the tactic to reach their customers. Email marketing generates some pretty impressive revenue too, with an estimated $11 billion made by the end of 2023.
It’s no wonder that over a third of brands are putting more money into email marketing activities over the coming year. Like any marketing strategy however, getting the desired results is dependent on the right execution. That’s where the following dos and don’ts come in handy!
Make email marketing as effective as it should be by segmenting your subscribers. Your emails shouldn’t be ‘one-size-fits-all’. They should be geared to specific audiences, so take the time to sort your subscribers accordingly.
Audiences can be segmented based on their characteristics, interests, preferences and even geographical location to minimise the generic email communications that fall on deaf ears.
The personalisation shouldn’t end there. Continue the theme by personalising the message and including the subscriber’s name where possible. It could make all the difference to those open rates.
If you are looking to make any design changes to improve email marketing success, don’t just presume what works best for your audience. Use A/B, or split, testing to see what resonates the most with your subscribers to ensure better performance and engagement when taking a new direction.
Every campaign offers lessons to learn to boost the effectiveness of your email marketing activities. Key performance indicators provide vital reading on deliverability, open rates, click throughs and unsubscribes amongst other things. Use these KPIs to build on your success, tweaking each email as you go to get the results you’ve been looking for.
There are several rules and regulations that govern a customer’s email marketing preferences, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
By recruiting an email marketing expert like me to take the reins, you can enjoy fully compliant, personalised and engaging campaigns that are geared towards better performance. So, what are you waiting for? Contact me today to discuss your next steps.
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