The acronym ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid’ – or KISS – has never been more relevant. In today’s fast-paced world, keeping things simple is definitely proving more effective, especially when it comes to the way we market our businesses. Read on to discover how you can keep simplicity the focus every step of the way for optimum success when marketing your brand and its products or services…
Before you can begin to simplify your marketing activities, you need to understand what your target audience wants and needs from your new and improved approach. While marketing used to be all about getting as many ‘bums on seats’ as possible, utilising more targeted tactics to market your business certainly wins out in the modern day.
By targeting your marketing, you can give your audience exactly what they need as quickly as possible, and this increased focus will help you no-end on your journey to KISS.
A marketing strategy can get very convoluted very quickly without a bit of discipline. While every business wants to make every penny of that marketing budget work harder than ever before, spreading yourself (and your budget) too thinly will never get the desired results.
In the spirit of keeping things simple, focus your marketing activities on achieving one or two key objectives. Whether that’s increasing brand awareness, improving engagement around a certain product or service, or introducing something new is up to you! Whatever your end goal, clear communication should always be the emphasis.
Going back to basics isn’t easy, especially if you’re a busy business owner. There’s a fine line between being proactive and a busy business fool however. Whether you’re looking to champion your brand singlehandedly or with support, starting small is the key to success.
You should never run before you can walk. Instead figure out what works for your business and its audience on a smaller scale before building out your campaigns for extended reach.
If you look a little closer, the most successful marketing campaigns don’t reinvent the wheel. They call upon the simplest principles before adding their own unique twist to speak to their target audiences and get their products or services in the right hands. By doing less, you can achieve more, as long as the message is clear, relevant and authentic.
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