As with any sector, the marketing world is influenced by an ever-changing stream of trends, which can make strategising an effective marketing campaign that aligns with your company goals and resonates with your target audience particularly difficult.
Thankfully, even as trends evolve, there are some marketing cornerstones that can always be relied on. In this blog post, we share the top marketing techniques that everyone should know about.
Everyone gets emails, right? And by infiltrating the inboxes of would-be customers, you can build relationships with the people who will potentially buy your products or try your services directly. Despite being seen as a rather ‘old school’ method of marketing, email marketing remains a cost-effective route to generating leads and sales.
Speaking of connecting directly with your audience, a top way to do just that is via social media. With the right content (whether that’s images, videos, audio or infographics) published across the right social networks, you can connect with your target audience and help them understand your business a whole lot better.
Also referred to as ‘internet marketing’, online marketing is any marketing strategy that requires an internet connection to be actioned. This includes but is not limited to web design, social media marketing and advertising, email marketing, Pay Per Click (PPC), search engine optimisation, and content marketing.
While often mentioned in the same breath as online marketing, digital marketing is very much its own thing. Digital marketing strategies include all the tactics mentioned above (PPC, SEO, email marketing etc.) but also extend to TV advertising, digital billboards, and SMS marketing.
It’s not all about the internet. Taking your marketing efforts offline can have great results, especially if your target audience isn’t too keen on the World Wide Web. Outdoor marketing is an excellent strategy for extending your reach, and you’ll get to see your business on billboards, signs and vehicles, which is pretty exciting!
Forget emails, reach your audience with a physical letter, package, brochure or postcard mailed straight to their door with direct mail marketing.
Use mass media to your advantage with an above the line advertising strategy. This involves the use of paid advertising to promote your business on TV, cinema screens, radio, or in the press. While this strategy isn’t the most budget friendly, it’s a sure-fire way to reach the biggest part of your audience in the shortest amount of time.
Want to find out more about how the marketing strategies above can be used to promote your business? Contact me today to discuss your next steps.
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